Saturday, December 5, 2009


I'm so behind on posting, lol, it's been a busy week, just getting back into the routine of things.

So Thanksgiving morning my husband and I were woken up by a phone call, his grandmother had died. Naturally he was very upset, and so was I. His grandmother was a wonderful woman, whom I'd met on many occasions, but unfortnately Bella had not yet met.

We had been planning to go up to his home town next month to visit her.

It wasn't really a surprise, we knew she was sick. In fact her liver failed a year ago, and we had been told on numerous occasions that she would die within days. The last time we saw her was at her seventy-ninth birthday party on mothers day. I couldn't travel after that, and the doctor only just gave us clearence to travel again at my six week checkup last week. So its not as though we could help it, but we felt guilty all the same.

My husband decided he would go to the funeral alone, since my mother was only visiting a few days before she had to fly back to California, the baby and I would stay with her, and the rest of my family in Columbus.

That night we ate thanksgiving dinner, and let my husband baby sit the baby while my mom and I went to New Moon. I felt like a jerk, but he insisted, and wanted to spend some time alone with the baby.

After the movie (more on that later) my mom and I went to Walmart and got Bella a swing, and a tummy time mat. The next afternoon, my husband drove to his grandmothers funeral by himself. Don't I feel like a jerk :(


  1. oh that picture is four generations of women :) I need to go to the gym

  2. The pic is precious. I'm sorry about your hubby's grandma.

    Nah, you're not a jerk. I'm sure your hubby enjoyed having some time alone with the baby.

  3. So sorry to hear about your hubby's grandmother. I wouldn't feel bad about leaving the baby with hubby for a while. I'm sure he enjoyed the time, and you needed a little time too. :)

  4. Thanks everyone :)

    He did enjoy the time with the baby, which was good, and I was really happy to spend time with my mom, I just felt bad leaving him during a time like that


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