I had a great weekend... up until I got sick. My mil came to town, so my husband and I got to go see a movie and go out to dinner. We saw avatar in 3d. Awesome movie, btw. My husband didn't care for the environmentalist overtones, but conceits that it was a great movie despite them.
He's being silly. There weren't many, and they were unique to that planet.
We're not anti-planet. We like the planet, we recycle, and take the bus when possible, and even have those twisty light bulbs. We could be considered green, we're just tired of hearing about it.
We still remember the global cooling scare (mostly thanks to outdated text books in elementary school) and we have a fairly decent science background, and even if we didn't, all of the movies, and products, and talking to death, and lets not forget the hyper expensive green baby movement (really?) just make us tired of hearing about it.
Anyhow, it was a great movie, everyone should see it. In 3d it was amazing. It had a concise and well designed plot, good character development, and was very well paced.
I also got a rocking chair :)
Then I got super sick. Now, when I'm sick, I google what's wrong, and and read everyone else's graphic accounts of it, so I would like to return the favor. The following will be TMI
You have been warned
I felt very full the night before, but I had eaten a lot and didn't think much of it. I went to sleep and woke up the next morning feeling queasy. I woke my husband and asked if he could get me a small glass of soda to sip on so I could feel better, and I finished feeding the baby. By the time my husband got up, I had run to the bathroom and thrown up more than I remember throwing up in awhile... I was pregnant 3 months ago... I've thrown up within the last year, this was worse.
I brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash and stumbled back to bed, where my husband whisked the baby away and after a brief "are you pregnant?" discussion, gave me my soda to get the taste out of my mouth and left me to get back to sleep.
I remember optimistically thinking that at least it was over and attributing it to too much excitement and junk food as had often happened in my teenage years, and going back to sleep.
15 minutes later I was up again violently projectile vomiting the soda. I almost made it to the bathroom, made it to the door in fact, and then it came.
I didn't know such force was possible. There was soda dripping from the ceiling. The wall was covered, the toilet actually had a fair amount in it, which considering I was across the room when it happened was kind of impressive. I was just glad it was soda, soda is possibly the only thing I've ever drank or eaten while sick that doesn't come back up completely disgusting.
I mean don't get me wrong, I wouldn't drink it, but its a welcome relief after throwing up popcorn, you know?
Anyhow, I stripped down, and used my clothes which were fairly covered to wipe up most of the mess and grabbed my handy dandy clorox wipes and wet swifter to handle the rest. I took a shower, braided my hair, and used my automatic shower cleaner and bleach spray to take care of the shower, just in case.
I've never been so glad to have that stuff
Then I went back to bed
and was up about every fifteen minutes either throwing up, experiencing diarrhea or both simultaneously (fun). I had a new experience, waking up to diarrhea, uncontrolled... yuck. I went through two sets of sheets and thats all I will say about that, except that it freaked me out enough to call kaisers advice nurse who told me that was common with this bug and to drink lots of fluids and have faith it will pass.
I had a fever of 101.7 despite 2 Tylenol every 4 hours, and was throwing up constantly from 8 am to 3 p.m., then the diarrhea lasted until about 6. After that I still felt sick but was recovering.
My husband stayed in the living room with his mom and my baby, feeding her pumped milk. He brought me drinks every so often, and after much begging got me some Gatorade from the gas station. (we had only milk, soda, and water, none of which are great while sick. ever throw up water? not fun) He volunteered to go right away, but remember the now means now conversation? I asked at 12, he got it for me at 2. I felt like I was dying of thirst. I've never been so thirsty before, ever. Not even in labor, and I was super thirsty during labor. I compared the whole experience to labor, and actually if you ignore the pushing part of labor, (you know, the painful part) this was worse, and I had back labor... drugged back labor, but still.
My mil left about when I finally got some sleep in, so I missed her going. I felt sorry for myself for awhile, everyone visiting out there, and me stuck in my throw up room. I missed my baby. I cleaned up, and went out to the living room a few hours later and spent some time with her, feeding her so she could get the anti bodies, and snuggling with her more than I should have.
Still feeling rough two days later, and now my husbands sick.
I feel bad really, but is it wrong that I'm sort of happy that he's thanking me so profusely for getting him Gatorade (asap) and telling me he had no idea it was this bad? Meh, maybe a little. I think pregnancy numbed him to me being sick, he saw me with morning sickness all the time, and I was always up and ready to go shortly after.
Now he knows better